Sunday 16 August 2009

USA Still Burdened by and Perpetuating Nazi "Racial" Concepts

"Nazi" is still a dirty four-letter word in the USA, synonymous with hatred and annihilation of others aroused by their skin color, their religion or their nationality. Adolph Hitler killed millions in gas chambers simply because they were not members of a purported “master race.”

As much as we in the United States believe our ideology to be vastly different from Hitler's, we still have much fundamentally in common linguistically with Adolph Hitler's Third Reich. Hitler believed that human beings could be divided into separate "races" that were fundamentally genetically different from each other, not only in superficial terms such as skin color, hair and facial characteristics, but also in terms of other profound and fundamental biological differences.

Americans deeply share the Nazi belief in the existence of "race", with over 42 million hits for the word "racial" at Google. One need only read the New York Times or Washington Post to confirm that Americans (as quoted in American newspapers) still believe that of different skin colors are part of separate human "races". The New York Times printed the following paragraph in one recent article:

In dozens of interviews in seven states over the last several days, black men and women like Mr. Sallis said they were feeling more optimistic about race relations than even a year ago, when Mr. Obama em“I feel a lot more comfortable starting up a conversation with people of other races on the streets now than I did before,” said Mitch Hansch, 29, a white waiter in New York City.

( . . .)

“Since Obama was elected, racial tensions seem a little lower. I think it’s fantastic.”“I feel a lot more comfortable starting up a conversation with people of other races on the streets now than I did before,” said Mitch Hansch, 29, a white waiter in New York City. Susan Saulny, NYT

In spite of the 2007 announcement by the United States’ Government’s Human Genome Project that there is no biological basis to believe in the existence of separate races, yet Americans -- Black, white and other -- still believe in separate "races" today with the same conviction that Adolph Hitler did during the Second World war.

The American Journal of Color Arousal is a Journal (AMJCA) was founded to report upon and catalyze the progress of Americans toward the day when proven genetic science will conquer the biological ignorance of Hitlerian belief in the existence of separate "races" within the human species. The AMJCA reports:

Human Genome Project Disproves Concept of "Race"

According to the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science, Office of Biological and Environmental Research, Human Genome Program,

"DNA studies do not indicate that separate classifiable subspecies (races) exist within modern humans. While different genes for physical traits such as skin and hair color can be identified between individuals, no consistent patterns of genes across the human genome exist to distinguish one race from another. There also is no genetic basis for divisions of human ethnicity. People who have lived in the same geographic region for many generations may have some alleles in common, but no allele will be found in all members of one population and in no members of any other." U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science, Office of Biological and Environmental Research, Human Genome Program

In other words, the Human Genome Project has proven that, as a matter of scientific fact, that which we call "race" does not exist as a matter of biology, and so all references to "race" are references to a fallacy. AMJCA

Although we in America believe ourselves to the the antithesis of Hitlerian ideology, our fundamental belief about the nature and meaning of skin color are actually quite similar to Hitler’s beliefs, even though our Government’s expensive and exhaustive genetic science program, mapping the human genome in its entirety, has since proved that Hitler was wrong and so is the New York Times.

When one compares the New York Times fundamental belief in race to that of the Stormfront white supremacist organization, one has to conclude that their Hitlerian belief in the existence of biological race is one and the same. Another article in the American Journal of Color Arousal points out:

The New York Times and the white supremacist group Storm Front share a [Hitlerian] belief that there are significant and fundamental "racial" differences between color and linguistic groups based upon and residing in their genetic heritage. If you consult the Storm Front white supremacist group's website, you will discover that, in spite of the findings to the contrary of the Human Genome Project, Storm Front still believes in the theory of "race" -- that you can discern meaningful and fundamental genetic differences between people with white skin, brown and Black skin by making reference to their skin color, facial characteristics and the languages they speak.

One writer at Storm Front, reviewing the white supremacist David Duke's "My Awakening", says, for example:

It’s the question to which Carleton Putnam’s Race and Reason led David Duke. “I asked myself,” writes David Duke, “What if the things [Carleton Putnam] writes are true? What if the distinctions, quality and composition of races are the primary factors in the vitality of civilizations (My Awakening, 37) …”It alarmed me to think of the implications of race having a cardinal role in the creation and maintenance of culture and civilization. If true, then replacement of the White race through immigration and race-mixing could conceivably destroy Western Civilization itself.” (43)

In a paper David Duke wrote early in his career, he summarized Putnam’s thesis: “It is his belief that a civilization is the product of the particular racial group that created it and that demographic replacement of the founding race, through race-mixing, immigration, and differential birthrates, will diminish and ultimately destroy the vitality of the culture and civilization.” (43)

( . . . )

Genetics may enable some people to become great athletes or entertainers or to be shrewd at bargaining and splitting hairs. But it is the very special type of intelligence of our own race that has founded Western Civilization. And it is thatspecial type of intelligence that will someday lead us to the star.

Evidently, David Duke's "awakening" is based on the premise that "races" exist in the first place, and that is a premise that is, every day of the week, supported by the New York Times, even though the premise has been conclusively disproved by 20th and 21st century empirical science.

Today, for example, Ian Urbana of the Times publishes an article entitled, "After Trial, Tensions Simmer Over Race" (emphasis added). In the article, Urbina says:

And while many white residents said there were no RACIAL tensions locally except those being sparked by news coverage and claims from out-of-town civil rights groups, Latinos offered a different view.

( . . . )

“I was skeptical of the claim that there were RACIAL tensions in town,” he said, “but then the details started coming out and people started speaking up. I was shocked by what they were saying.” (Emphasis added.)

In the context of the article, it is clear that the writer, by the use of the word "racial", is subscribing to the very beliefs about skin color that are fundamental to David Duke's and Storm Front's white supremacist ideation. That is, both the New York Times and Storm Front believe that you can look at someone's skin color, national origin and language and thereby distinguish what "race" they belong to. For so long as the New York Times promotes this theory of "race", it will be significantly harder to isolate those at Storm Front who share the same theory.

When we analyze the Hitlerian “racialist” language used in our foremost newspapers, in television news, and in discussions between Americans with brown skin and with white skin, the conclusion is inevitable that many or most of us still believe in the Nazi concept of separate "races" just as much today as Adolph Hitler did seventy years ago, during the Second World War and before the scientific discoveries made by the United States Government –sponsored Human Genome Project.

Whether we look to the “liberal” New York Times, the radical white supremacist terrorist organization Stormfront, the nightly news or our conversations among Americans of the same skin color or different skin colors, the inevitable conclusion is that most of us believe in separate “races” just as much as Adolph Hitler did.

This is no mere semantic discussion, because the belief in "race" has had profound policy repercussions in the past and present. For example, during the World War II it is fair to assume that many servicemembers died because they did not receive blood transfusion, based on the biologically erroneous idea that blood from members of the postulated black "race" could not or should not be mixed with the blood of members of the white "race".

Dr. Charles Richard Drew (June 3, 1904 - April 1, 1950) was an American medical doctor and surgeon who started the idea of a blood bank and a system for the long-term preservation of blood plasma (he found that plasma kept longer than whole blood). His ideas revolutionized the medical profession and have saved many, many lives.

Dr. Drew set up and operated the blood plasma bank at the Presbyterian Hospital in New York City, NY. Drew's project was the model for the Red Cross' system of blood banks, of which he became the first director. Drew resigned his position as director after the US War Department issued a directive stating that blood taken from white donors should not be mixed with blood taken from black donors. Dr. Drew strongly objected, and stated "the blood of individual human beings may differ by blood groupings, but there is absolutely no scientific basis to indicate any difference in human blood from race to race." Dr. Drew also formed Britain's blood bank system. Enchanted Learning (Emphasis added.

With so many servicemembers dying for lack of blood transfusions, the cost of the belief in "race" was obviously very high and deadly to those white and brown-skinned servicemembers who were denied blood transfusions because of Nazi-like conviction in the existence of nonexistent "racial differences". It is equally difficult to estimate the cost to Americans in the present of the continued Nazi belief in the existence of separate "races" within the human species.

What is certain, based on the persistent and uniquitous use of the terms "race", "racial" (See Google), "racist" and "races" is that linguistically, politically, ideologically, culturally and economically, the belief in the concept of "race" continues to hold almost as much currency in 21st Century America as it did in Nazi Germany, before the science of genetics proved that "race" does not exist.

New York Times Supports Storm Front's Belief In "Race", Contributing to Color Aroused Violence

The New York Times and the white supremacist group Storm Front share a belief that there are significant and fundamental "racial" differences between color and linguistic groups based upon and residing in their genetic heritage. If you consult the Storm Front white supremacist group's website, you will discover that, in spite of the findings to the contrary of the Human Genome Project, Storm Front still believes in the theory of "race" -- that you can discern meaningful and fundamental genetic differences between people with white skin, brown and Black skin by making reference to their skin color, facial characteristics and the languages they speak.

One writer at Storm Front, reviewing the white supremacist David Duke's "My Awakening", says, for example:
It’s the question to which Carleton Putnam’s Race and Reason led David Duke. “I asked myself,” writes David Duke, “What if the things [Carleton Putnam] writes are true? What if the distinctions, quality and composition of races are the primary factors in the vitality of civilizations (My Awakening, 37) …”It alarmed me to think of the implications of race having a cardinal role in the creation and maintenance of culture and civilization. If true, then replacement of the White race through immigration and race-mixing could conceivably destroy Western Civilization itself.” (43)
In a paper David Duke wrote early in his career, he summarized Putnam’s thesis: “It is his belief that a civilization is the product of the particular racial group that created it and that demographic replacement of the founding race, through race-mixing, immigration, and differential birthrates, will diminish and ultimately destroy the vitality of the culture and civilization.” (43)
( . . . )
Genetics may enable some people to become great athletes or entertainers or to be shrewd at bargaining and splitting hairs. But it is the very special type of intelligence of our own race that has founded Western Civilization. And it is thatspecial type of intelligence that will someday lead us to the star.
Evidently, David Duke's "awakening" is based on the premise that "races" exist in the first place, and that is a premise that is, every day of the week, supported by the New York Times, even though the premise has been conclusively disproved by 20th and 21st century empirical science.

Today, for example, Ian Urbana of the Times publishes an article entitled, "After Trial, Tensions Simmer Over Race" (emphasis added). In the article, Urbina says:
And while many white residents said there were no racial tensions locally except those being sparked by news coverage and claims from out-of-town civil rights groups, Latinos offered a different view.

( . . . )

“I was skeptical of the claim that there were racial tensions in town,” he said, “but then the details started coming out and people started speaking up. I was shocked by what they were saying.”
In the context of the article, it is clear that the writer, by the use of the word "racial", is subscribing to the very beliefs about skin color that are fundamental to David Duke's and Storm Front's white supremacist ideation. That is, both the New York Times and Storm Front believe that you can look at someone's skin color, national origin and language and thereby distinguish what "race" they belong to. For so long as the New York Times promotes this theory of "race", it will be significantly harder to isolate those at Storm Front who share the same theory.

One would have hoped that the relatively new empirical science of the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science, Office of Biological and Environmental Research, Human Genome Program, which shows that people are more likely to have genetic similarities across color groups than among them, was information that the New York Times would have absorbed and integrated into their articles about disputes over skin color, language and national origin. The fact that "race" does not exist is not something that the Government has hidden from the American people. The Human Genome Project says:
DNA studies do not indicate that separate classifiable subspecies (races) exist within modern humans. While different genes for physical traits such as skin and hair color can be identified between individuals, no consistent patterns of genes across the human genome exist to distinguish one race from another. There also is no genetic basis for divisions of human ethnicity. People who have lived in the same geographic region for many generations may have some alleles in common, but no allele will be found in all members of one population and in no members of any other. U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science, Office of Biological and Environmental Research, Human Genome Program.
In other words, the Human Genome Project has proven that, as a matter of scientific fact, that which we call "race" does not exist as a matter of biology, and so all references to "race" are references to a fallacy. And yet the above New York Times article makes TWO references to that "racial" theory fallacy as if the fallacy were an undisputed fact.

For so long as writers such as Ian Urbana and newspapers like the New York Times continue insisting that the science of Storm Front exists and the Human Genome Project does not, it will be difficult if not impossible to make significant strides against the hate and fear aroused violence of groups like Storm Front and individuals who share their ideology without formally joining the group.

The New York Times story, that focuses on the killing of a Latino man because of his heritage may have been intended to highlight "racial" difference. And that's precisely what it does. It highlights differences in sociology that scientific study has shown not to exist in biology. The article, therefore, perpetuates "racial" beliefs that serve as the ideological basis of those who victimize others based on their skin color.

Friday 14 August 2009

Brazilian Law Forbids Calling Blacks "Monkeys"

Brazilian Constitution Forbids "Racist" Speech and Behavior

According to an article at,

A doll depicting an African-American child wearing a hat
that reads "lil' monkey" was pulled from Costco shelves following a customer complaint. The toy, called "Cuddle with Me", features several ethnicities (if plastic has an ethnicity) of dolls in cutesy outfits, packaged with plush monkeys. The Brass Key, the company that makes the Cuddle with Me dolls, also has a "Pretty Panda" version on the shelves, which has not been pulled. The Brass Key has issued a public apology to any they may have offended.

Color-aroused behaviors are illegal in Brazil. The Brazilian Constitution says;

XLI - a lei punirá qualquer discriminação atentatória dos direitos e liberdades fundamentais; The Law will punish all discrimination against fundamental rights and liberties.

XLII - a prática do racismo constitui crime inafiançável e imprescritível, sujeito à pena de reclusão, nos termos da lei; The practice of racism constitutes a crime not subject to bail, punishable by imprisonment, according to the terms of the Law.

The Brazilian Constitution continues,

XLVI - a lei regulará a individualização da pena e adotará, entre outras, as seguintes:

The law shall regulate the individualization of pentalties and will impose, among others, the following

a) privação ou restrição da liberdade; privation or restriction of liberty;

b) perda de bens; the loss of material things of value;

c) multa; fines;

d) prestação social alternativa; requirement that social service be performed.;

e) suspensão ou interdição de direitos; suspension or privation of rights.

Dos Direitos e Garantias Fundamentais

Article V, XLII

Although Brazilian Law has its own way of determining when acts of "racism" have been committed, e.g. when witnesses recount color-based antagonistic words or actions taken by the defendant, I prefer to analyze the acts of Costco in terms of the color-aroused ideation, emotion and behavior that occurred. My preference is based on the knowledge that "race" does not exist, as a matter of DNA science, according to the Human Genome Project, and therefore it is impossible to discriminate against a person based on their "race". (It is possible to engage in color-aroused acts based on the belief that races exist, however. In legal terms, this is called "imputed race".)

I think the fact that this doll was manufactured, distributed and offered for sale is evidence that:

  • · someone had color-aroused ideation (they associated Black people with monkeys based upon the color of our brown skin);
  • · and they had color-aroused emotion (knowing that this would be offensive to people with brown skin, they made the doll anyway with the intention of expressing contempt, hatred, or mire);
  • · and the corporation engaged in several color-aroused behaviors, (including the manufacture, distribution and sale of this doll).

Color-aroused behaviors, including color-aroused speech, are illegal in Brazil. It is illegal in Brazil to call someone a "monkey" or a "roach without its shell", associated with their skin color. If it were illegal in the United States as well, we would all live in a greater sense of peace.

Meanwhile, Costco says it apologizes to those who were offended. It ought also
apologize to the entire country. In fact, the mere suggestion that there are some people who were not offended by this color-aroused antagonistic act is an insult to and an indictment of the people of the United States of America that should not be permitted but should instead be immediately and significantly punished.

Everyone at Costco who participated in this act of color-aroused antagonistic behavior should be punished for commercializing color-aroused ideation, emotions and behavior.

Black Brazilian Girl, 12, Electrocuted While Straightening and Curling Her Hair

Black Girls, Others Should Stop Mechanically and Chemically
Straightening and Curling Their Hair.

Yesterday in the northeast of Brazil, a twelve year-old Black girl chemically straigtened her hair and then electrocuted herself as she tried to use her mother’s curling iron called a “babyliss” to make her hair conform to a "straight but curly" style popular in Brazil. This news has made national headlines, and has been featured on the national nightly news, perhaps because the concept of literally “dying” for a hair style seems so tragic.

The girl, Ingrid Regina da Paixão Silva, whose parents are teachers, was alone in the house instead of in school due to swine flue symptoms, while her parents were at work. When Ingrid didn’t answer the telephone, her father went home and found her still alive, rolled up in a towel on the bathroom floor with the hair iron out and with burns to several parts of her body. She was dead on arrival at the local hospital.

The television news report in this YouTube video says that 150 children per year die in Brazil while styling their hair, with 49% dying as the result of electrical shocks. “Parents should not allow their children to use these electrical mechanisms because of the risk of electrical shocks” says one professional interviewed on the news.

One of Brasil's top media outlets reported:

Women never stop efforts to become more beautiful. For centuries, they have been squeezing into corsets to keep their waists thin. In China and Japan, women bandaged their feet to make them smaller. Now the madness has gone beyond hair removal. Many women are putting their health (and their lives) in danger to keep the hair smooth and voluminous.

The death of a 33 year-old housewife in Missouri, this week raised the controversy over the new hair straightening techniques. Maria Ení da Silva died after undergoing a escova progressiva (permanent straigtening). According to her family, she applied a mixture of cream and formaldehyde at a hairdressing salon on Saturday, March 17, and was directed not to wash her hair for three days. During this period, she complained of headaches, shortness of breath and itching. On Tuesday, March 20, she fell ill, was taken to two hospitals and died. Globo.Com

This story is particularly maddening for my wife and me. Last year, disobeying my wife’s firm and repeated decision, our youngest daughter went to a local store and bought an electrical hair straightener, because virtually all of the girls at her school electrically or chemically straighten their hair. The social pressure she feels to straighten hair is intense. When girls straighten their hair, their peers, boys, parents and community suddenly begin to say, “You look beautiful. You look so pretty with your hair straight.”

My wife was furious that our daughter had bought a potentiall dangerous electrical product against her orders not to do so. Instead of letting them keep the styling iron and become victims of style, my wife took our daughters and the styling iron back to the store and insisted upon a refuind. My wife argued successfully that stores should not sell dangerous electrical items to children without their parents' permission. Yesterday's electrocution death only underscores the dangers involved when combining electrical irons will water and hair oil.

Many people will say this shocking report is an extreme and unusual example of the danger that can come from straigtening hair, but Brazilian news includes many other examples. Women in Brazil are using formaldehyde, a known carcinogen, to straighten their hair in a process called “definitive progressive”. The process has become popular because the more formadehyde is used at one time, the more straight the women's hair becomes. Also word "definitive" gives people the obviously false but alluring sense of the process never needing to repeated again to keep Black women's curly hair straight forever.

(Of course anyone who understands the rudiments of genetic and biological science knows that it is our genes that determine of our hair will grow and nothing we can do will change the way that our hair will grow on our heads. Eventually, no matter what we do to the hair we have now, more hair will grow in the future based on our genes and not based on the hair style of the moment, which change from year to year, in any case.)

Yesterday, my step-daughters and I saw a woman on television whose hair they liked, but I said she looked like Michael Jackson or Lionel Ritchie with a Jeri Curl . (See photograph) At one time this hair “style” was so dominant in the Black community that a movie mocked the style by showing a man who sat down on a beige couch and left a greasy stain on the couch when he got up. Black people will remember the movie to which I’m referring. It might have been “Coming to América”, starring Eddie Murphy.

Michael Jackson may have provided the most famous example of the dangers of chemically straigtened and curled hair. He actually set his oily Jeri curled hair on fire during the filming of a pyrotechnical scene for a Pepsi commercial. The oil in his hair caught fire.

The issue of chemically straightening and curling hair hit home for my wife and me, raising daughter who are 16 and 14 years old and are desperate to follow the styles that their peers are wearing. I discussed this with my step-daughter this morning and she said that I was being prejudiced to have such strong feelings against straight hair.

I explained to her that I have no strong feelings against straight hair. I have strong feelings against hair that hás been mechanically or chemically straightened and I likewise have strong feelings against hair that is mechanically or chemically curly. I would like to see humanity accept its genes and wear their hair as the union of their mother and father genetically intended, instead of condemning and trying to browbeat, or whip their hair into “fashion”.

Of course, what others do with and to their hair is ultimately up to them. However, if they burn their children’s heads with hot combs and expose their children to dangerous chemicals that could cause blindness or lung damage in the pursuit of straight hair, I believe that is child abuse and it should stop.

I tried once again to explain my position to my daughter. I asked her, suppose you see a man in the street with one leg. Wouldn’t you feel empathy for him if learned that he had lost his leg in a car accident? He had lost a part of him that his genes had given him when he was in his mother’s womb. But, would you feel the same empathy for him if you learned that he had cut his leg of himself walking with one leg was in style?

If you saw a person with only one eye, surely you would feel sad for them, seeing only half of what the rest of us see in our periferal vision. But if you learned that the person had plucked and pulled his own eye out because it was the fashion in prison wouldn’t your empathy turn to mocking derision and sadness for what our society hás become?

In the 1980’s there was a big muscular Black man on television named “Mr. T” who spoke as if he had not completed grade school. But he was on the side of law and order and his most salient style statement was all of the gold jewelry he had hanging from his neck. If he was born with that those silly gold necklaces, none of us could fault him for wearing them. But since he chose to wear them, I think a lot of us would opine that his money would have been better spent learning to read or putting his children through university.

None of us, I think, could have imagined that this all-on, over-the-top gold necklace fancy would become a national craze in which teenagers shoot one another for gold necklaces. But that is exactly what happened, as the “Mr. T” style morphed into Rapper style and then hit the streets like uncut heroin.

Ladies and gentleman, I encourage all of you to wear your hair the way it was given to you by the genes of your ancestors and not to try to make it look more like White people hair or more like Black people’s hair or more like anyone’s hair. If we learn to accept ourselves as we are, then we will never end up like the girl who yesterday lost her life while trying to make her hair look more stylish.

Here are links to additional stories in Brazilian news about harm and deaths of women from formaldehyde and other hair processes: