Monday 20 April 2009

Wikipedia Definition of "Racism" Notes that "Race" Itself Does Not Exist and so "Racism" is a Misnomer

Today, I visited the page on "race" and discovered that throughout the entire discussion the Human Genome Program was never mentioned, and there was likewise no mention of the Human Genome Program' conclusion that the concept of "race" has no basis in science. So, today, I modified the definition of "race" to note that:

Most recently, as the result the complete mapping of the human genome carried out by the Human Genome Program, the Department of Energy Office of Science, Office of Biological and Environmental Research, Human Genome Program has announced that the most extensive studies of human DNA to date, mapping the entire human genome, have proved that "race" and "ethnicity" simply do not exist at all. The continuing discussion of "race" shows that humans have been slow to adapt their premises and language to this new proof that "race" simply does not exist. [2]
I also added the following to the discussion of "racism":
The concept that discrimination can be based on "race" presupposes the existence of "race" itself. However, the US Government's Human Genome Program has announced that the most complete mapping of human DNA to date proves conclusively that "race" itself does not exist. [6] Therefore, "racial characteristics" logically cannot and do not exist either.
According to the Human Genome Project, skin color does exist as a matter of science. U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science, Office of Biological and Environmental Research, Human Genome Program So, that which is commonly referred to as "racism" could be more scientifically referred to as "skin color-aroused discrimination". The term "skin color aroused discrimination" has the benefit that it is based on verifiable science, is not based on disproved notions of science, and does not perpetuate a false belief in the disproved concept of biological "race". [7]
Is it possible to discuss biology without discussing science? We'll soon see just how averse to science the wikipedia editors are, when we discover whether they will accept reference to the latest knowledge of the human genome within the discussions of now ancient and scientifically disproved notions of human "races".

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