Sunday 11 October 2009

Knowledge of Anti-"Racial" Finding of Human Genome Project Becoming More Generally Known

I am very pleased with the progress the evidence of the Human Genome Project is making in educations the USA and the world to the fact that biological "race" and "ethnicity" simply don't exist. Of course, this acknowledgement raises suspicions about the usefulness of the terms "racism", "racist" and, perhaps most of all, "racial," since "racial" is a word that denotates having a biological characteristic which biological characteristic simply does not exist in biology.

There are now almost five hundred thousands hits at Google for the search, "dna human genome race". The foremost hit at Google for this search is the Wikipedia page on "Human Genome Project", which ironically states under the heading, "Key findings of Genome Project:"
All human races (sic) are 99.99 % alike, so racial (sic) differences are genetically insignificant. (citation needed)
What the Human Genome Project actually says is that "race" doesn't exist at all. However, those writing and editing the Wikipedia page on the Human Genome Project are unable to integrate this scientific information because they are so hidebound to using unscientific terms like "race" and "racial". Confusion reigns, even as science tears down old hypothesis and propaganda in an effort to replace them with empirical scientific truths.

What the Human Genome Project actually says about "race" and "racial" is that there is convincing evidence that these concepts have no basis in science and they simply do not exist at all.

"DNA studies do not indicate that separate classifiable subspecies (races) exist within modern humans. While different genes for physical traits such as skin and hair color can be identified between individuals, no consistent patterns of genes across the human genome exist to distinguish one race from another. There also is no genetic basis for divisions of human ethnicity. People who have lived in the same geographic region for many generations may have some alleles in common, but no allele will be found in all members of one population and in no members of any other."

I'm not going to bother to fix the Wikipedia page, because some idiot will inevitably change it back, which is something they cannot do at my various blogs.

The page of the Human Genome Project including the above statement recounts an extensive effort to explain the conclusions based on DNA, but in a way that would not upset Black people. Ironically, Black people have largely ignored the findings and white people simply act as if this particular result of the Human Genome Project didn't exist. However, as I acknowledged above, just the fact that there are so many pages at Google addressing this question is positive for the prospect that humanity will someday absorb what human science has discovered.

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