Saturday 28 November 2009

Press Release: US Human Genome Project Announces "Race" Does Not Exist

Race is a disproved hypothesis

Race is a disproved hypothesis


Contact: Atty. Francis L. Holland
Blogs: American Journal of Color Arousal, etc.
Phone: 55 (73) 9123-2538
Skype: FazInformatica2005

US Human Genome Project Announces
"Race" Does Not Exist!

With the 2010 United States Census nearing, the word "race" will inevitably become a political lightning rod, with political groups debating what "races" should be included and excluded. Missing from the discussion is science: Why do we use the word "race" ubiquitously, in journalism and discussions, over 40 million times in print in the United States over the last year (according to Google), even after the US Government's Human Genome Project has announced that biological race simply does not exist?

Atty. Francis L. Holland of the American Journal of Color Arousal (AMJCA) has developed a new Easy-Widget that takes readers directly to the Human Genome Project webpage's discussion, explaining why the centuries-old hypothesis of biological "race" is not supported, and is disproved, by Government-supported DNA research (conducted during the Bush Administration). As the journal Nature Genetics stated in the article entitled "Race and the Human Genome,"

With very rare exceptions, all of us in the US are immigrants. We bring with us a subset of genes from our homelands, and for many Americans, often first-generation but more commonly second-generation, the plural noun 'homelands' is appropriate. From this perspective, the most immediately obvious characteristic of 'race' is that describing most of us as Caucasian, Asian or African is far too simple. Despite attempts by the US Census Bureau to expand its definitions, the term 'race' does not describe most of us with the subtlety and complexity required to capture and appreciate our genetic diversity. Unfortunately, this oversimplification has had many tragic effects. Therefore, we need to start with the science . . .

In an another statement, the US Department of Energy Human Genome Project simplifies for the public gist of the "Race and Human Genome" article above, stating unambiguously that empirical science has disproved the hypothesis of "race":
DNA studies do not indicate that separate classifiable subspecies (races) exist within modern humans. While different genes for physical traits such as skin and hair color can be identified between individuals, no consistent patterns of genes across the human genome exist to distinguish one race from another. There also is no genetic basis for divisions of human ethnicity. People who have lived in the same geographic region for many generations may have some alleles in common, but no allele will be found in all members of one population and in no members of any other.
Atty. Holland argues that sociological definitions based upon the term "race" are so tainted by their relationship with debunked biological theories that the term "race" has become so hopelessly ambiguous as to be meaningless, irreconcilable and perpetually controversial.

The attached double-click Easy-Widget, hosted at WidgetBox (HTML below), says:

"Skin Color Exists. Black and white subspecies (races) of humanity are a false and anachronistic hypothesis. Learn More: Human Genome Project."

This easy widget takes readers directly to the "Minorities, Race and Genomics" webpage of the US Department of Energy, where readers can evaluate for themselves whether our public discussion and vocabulary have become hopelessly disconnected from the scientific advances that should be helping to guide our discussions.

Here is the HTML code for the "Skin Color Exists" Easy-Widget:

Atty. Holland encourages the thousands of blogs in the afrosphere to post this widget. Doing so challenges our daily conversations of "race" to include the fact that, as a matter of DNA-based biological science, "race" just doesn't exist, and using the tainted biological term in sociological discussions misleads and frustrates reconciliation efforts between and among people of different skin colors.

The debate is inevitable. How will the 2010 Census use the term "race" and will the term itself further mislead the public about basic DNA genomic science? These issues will be hotly debated throughout preparation for the 2010 and beyond.

So, how can the science be simply explained? "Skin color groups and national heritage are facts of political life. However, DNA and genomic science have revealed over the last decade that the hypothesis of "race" is not supported by science, even though we have relied upon this hypothesis as a virtual article of faith for over 400 years."

Contact: Atty: Francis L. Holland
Blog: American Journal of Color Arousal, etc.
Phone: 55 (73) 9123-2538
Skype: FazInformatica2005


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