Tuesday 24 November 2009

White Professor in Brazil Immediately Arrested for Insulting Black Student on Basis of Skin Color

This evening on Globo News, Brazil, as I watched, a news reporter announced that a professor who insulted a Black female student in a bar in Ilhéus, on the basis of skin color, was immediately arrested at the bar after the student filed a complaint with local police.

Notably, it is not necessary under the Brazilian Constitution to prove that the professor "is a racist" before he can be imprisoned for his "racist" behavior during a particular incident. It is sufficient to demonstrate that he said the offensive words and that the words were associated with the victims "race" [skin color] As the Brazilian blog below points out, an outward "racist" "reaction" is sufficient for the culprit to be immediately arrested, with no need to prove that he always has this reaction and therefore "is a racist." It is sufficient that he engaged in "racist" behavior in the case in question.

A Brazilian blog called "Society Demands Justice" also reported the case, but without a link to a Brazilian source:
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Professor tem reação racista com aluna /
"Professor Has Racist Reaction Against a Student"

"Neguinha do cabelo chapado", este foi o discurso racista do professor Saulo da Cruz Ramos, na cidade de Ilhéus. A vítima foi a aluna Jamile Catarino Pacheco que ao ouvir as palavras de ofensa, não pensou duas vezes e procurou a delegacia para denunciar a atitude de Saulo.

Translated: Black little thing with pressed hair were the racist words that professor Saulo da Cruz Ramos in the city of Ilhéus. The victim was the student Jamilie Catarino Pacheco, who, after having heard the offensive words, didn't think twice before seeking out local law enforcement officials to denounce the professor's attitude [as expressed in his statements].

O professor, além de falar palavras de agressão para a jovem, disse que "nego com ele não tem vez". Ao sair da delegacia, os policias foram ao bar, onde Saulo estava e deram voz de prisão. A família de Ramos tentou fazer com que Jamile retirasse a queixa, mas não houve êxito. A estudante permaneceu com seu posicionamento e, como racismo é um crime que não tem fiança, o professor irá permanecer preso, até Deus sabe quando.

The professor, in addition to saying agressive words to the young woman, said, "there's no room for Black thing like like him [referring to a Black man present]. Leaving the police station, the police went directly to the bar, where the professor was, and announced that he was under arrest.

The professor's family tried to convince Jamile to withdraw her complaint, but they were unsuccessful. The student maintained her position and, since acts of racism are a crime for which bail is not available, the professor will remain imprisoned until God only knows when.

Que feio para uma pessoa que é vista como educador e tem conhecimento nas leis e informações sobre os direitos humanos.

Such ugly behavior for a person who is seen as an educator with knowledge of the laws and information about human rights.

1 comentários:

Francis L. Holland Blog disse...

Infelizmente, se o professor for fazer a mesma coisa nos Estados Unidos, não ia ser crime. Tem muitas coisas faladas nos Estados Unidos que são criminais, mas chingamentos a base de cor não ficam entre as coisas ilegais.


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